When you know it’s time to find your own home

find your own home

Been living in house shares for years? Contemplating if it’s time to move on and find your own place? Here are a few signs you know it’s the right time.

  1. Sick of queuing for the shower Even if you no longer have to go to the office everyday it’s still a drag when someone jumps into the shower when you’ve just grabbed your towel. And it seems like they’re taking a decade in there. When they hop out you have to rush - towel in hand - into the bathroom before anyone else does!

  2. No longer want to see piles of washing up Coming home, hungry, ready to cook and you enter the kitchen. It’s a state. Piles of dishes in the sink despite the dishwasher. It can put a downer on anyone's day.

  3. *Sigh* unexpected parties Looking for a quiet night in watching Netflix and boom! The music starts and slowly the quiet voices turn louder and louder. You know you’re not in for an early night.

  4. Waiting to use the washing machine Like the shower situation, washing machine use is prized. Run out of clean clothes but there’s a 2-hour spin on and it’s 10pm - unlikely you’ll be in a clean t-shirt tomorrow.

  5. Needing your own space Simply not just having one room to call yours. Space to yourself is key to anybody's happiness.

These are of course the worst possible scenarios! You may have just got to the stage where moving just seems the right thing to do.

But, finding a new place can be a difficult task. The viewings, the paperwork and referencing. Plus, you may be asked to provide a guarantor to back up your application. And finding one of them can be a struggle. But that’s why we - a rent guarantor service - exist. To support you, find your new home. Find out more here >

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