Tenant referencing tech saves our clients millions

A few success stories from: Knight Frank, Quintain Living, JLL, Flatfair and Chestertons.

We’ve detected a 100% increase in fraud since the turn of the year

Knight Frank, Chestertons, JLL, Flatfair and Quintain are just a few of our happy customers who have benefitted greatly from our unique fraud detection & referencing technology. We’ve saved our clients millions and helped thousands of renters rent on fairer terms.

Download the case studies

Fraud Detection is becoming more crucial in the current rental market

Rightmove recently announced that the number of enquiries regarding rentals is about 300% higher than the availability of stock. With rental costs spiralling and the competition for accommodation growing ever fiercer, it’s more important than ever that landlords are signing trustworthy tenants who have been screened by the latest fraud detection technology on the market. This report shows a handful of experiences of estate agents and BTRs who are currently partnered with Homeppl.

Download the guide to see how we help save some of the biggest names in industry millions every year.

Download this report to learn about:

  • The Best Fraud Detection Tech in The Tenant Referencing Industry

  • Actual YoY savings of a selection of our clients

  • Key takeaways